I generally quite liked this article, Jay.
I generally quite liked this article, Jay. The tone, nuance and message of the flaws of our media being too much editorial/not enough news and our role in perpetuating those trends with our meme culture are all excellent.
My only area of disagreement is the solution provided: to get out and vote. So long as money corrupts the political process to the large degree that it does in the US, I'm reasonably sure voting isn't the answer. It may help for people to get more politically active and informed, especially on the local level, but the corruption of the System runs very deep, which is why I think so many are turning to trying to influence it from outside the System.
All that said, I do agree that many of the expressions of this change it from the outside are, if not pointless, even making things worse. I hate to be a bummer, but I'm not going to offer any solutions other than to say I think the more we can take personal responsibility for our actions and model that for others, perhaps the culture changes by osmosis? Best I can do, for it seems the US has some serious kinks to work out and it's not going to happen overnight.
Anyway, great job taking on a challenging topic! Apologies if it seems I focused on the one area of disagreement!