I can make many cases for not getting vaccinated, but I'm not going to because I believe it's a…
I can make many cases for not getting vaccinated, but I'm not going to because I believe it's a personal decision and I've no need to justify my decision or convince others to make the same decision.
If I do end up getting COVID-19, so be it. I'm not asking for that to happen, nor am I afraid it will.
I also see how the vaccines are being presented precisely as I'd guessed they would be: something we need to get every six months (or now three as has been suggested in the UK).
Umm, no thanks.
If it was a one-time deal like with other traditional vaccines, you'd have a much better chance to convince me.
But I'm a person who has been a very healthy adult without relying on medical interventions so I'm gonna stick to my behaviors and trust my body to keep doing its part.