I appreciate that your recognizing the major flaw in the premise---the Bad Apple Theory of Trump…
Where I would disagree with you is that I don't assign primary blame to voters. The 2016 and 2020 presidential candidates for both major…
I appreciate that your recognizing the major flaw in the premise---the Bad Apple Theory of Trump, which too many supposedly intelligent, progressive people have bought into over the past several years. Basically, they think if they just get rid of "him" we can "return to normal," as though Trump and all that surrounded his rise, wasn't a sign of deeper, broader societal rot.
Where I would disagree with you is that I don't assign primary blame to voters. The 2016 and 2020 presidential candidates for both major parties were an insult to the intelligence of the American people, a System that truly no longer gives a hoot about us and what we value.
Anyone who thinks it was an easy choice between two steaming piles of manure---in Trump vs Hillary and then Trump vs Biden---has got some sort of fetish for manure that I've yet to understand.
The corruption in the Democratic Party as they have sold themselves out to Big Pharma, Wall Street, the military-industrial complex and, for their base, the salaried classes, is stomach turning. It's not hard to understand why tens of millions of Americans left in the lurch after the financial crisis/fraud perpetuated by Wall Street in the late 2000s were pissed off at the party who bailed out the too-big-to-fail banks and told the average person to screw off and live in a tent.
It's very easy to understand why many Americans who have felt left behind by the 21st century economy and talked down to by the Democratic Party were more than happy to vote a giant "fuck you" into office in Trump.
Until the Democrats and their supporters really wrestle with some of the LEGIT reasons why people on the other side don't like them, more Trump's will rise up and will get votes. I'm not sure blaming these people, then, is the best way to frame this.