Hospitalization rates for people for Covid-19, vaxed or not, are super low.
Hospitalization rates for people for Covid-19, vaxed or not, are super low. Always have been. This is especially true if one is in good health and minds their immune system through things like exercise, diet, sleep, getting sunlight and doing breathwork.
These are all things we've long known about health, yet such things are not being reinforced by the Big Pharma-supporting "public health" officials like this Fauci character (not gonna give him the respect of the Dr. title because he's been violating the Hippocratic Oath for years). For them, CV19 is a cash cow so long as people think the ONLY response is these experimental vaccines. Your comments suggest you believe them. If so, I'd suggest that trust is misplaced.
Having said all that, you do you. I'm not telling people not to get vaccinated if that's what they think is the best decision for their circumstances. It's not a one-size-fits-all situation. The more people take responsibility for their health going forward, the better off they, and society, will be and then this whole experience will actually have produced something positive.