Great piece!
Carlin has long been at the pinnacle of comedies for me and I can see the similarities.
Great piece!
Carlin has long been at the pinnacle of comedies for me and I can see the similarities.
As someone with more than a passing interest in personality types, I don't think they are the same type (at least in MBTI's typology) because Carlin was more interested in language and adept at playing with it, but I think both performed the KEY role that a comedian has for a society: Speaking Truth to Power.
If you look into the archetype of the Fool and the history of the court jester, you'll recognize how important this role is especially in times of repression, which I believe we've definitely entered considering all the censorship that's flying around the noosphere. The jester was allowed to speak truth to the face of the king in front of the most powerful people in society and, then, when that truth was too uncomfortable people could pass it off as "he is merely jesting!"
Thus, comedy is one of the great Truthtelling devices in human cultures, which is why those who take themselves too seriously try to stamp it out.
Anyway, I'm about to write a full post here, but rather than doing that, I'll leave two links. The first is a further exploration of these ideas. through a creative essay.
And the second is a satire of 2020 and our crazy human condition I wrote last October that I actually just re-read for the first time this year and think it's A LOT of fun. I think those who read this post on JP Sears will enjoy it!