Gemini Season 2024 Is Jazzed Up and Ready For Action
Jupiter moves into the sign of the twins and offers expansive opportunities for our communications, but be mindful of Information Overload and long-windedness
Note: When I use dates in this article, I’m referencing Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

I’m writing these first words as the Moon is moving into Gemini, the sign of the twins, here at 8:20 a.m. on a rainy start to Thursday, May 9, 2024, here in central Japan.
The main reason I’m doing this is that I wanted to tap into both the playful energy of the Gemini archetype—think toddlers rushing trucks through sandboxes—and the archetype of Mercury, which rules Gemini, and how it’s a messenger, often on the go, aligned with the world around it, and continually adjusting to whatever comes up.
You see, folks, Gemini Season 2024 is, appropriately, focused on Gemini, and it’s setting the tone for the rest of 2024 (and the first half of 2025).
Well, of course, over the next month, the Sun is making its annual trip through Gemini.
However, a bigger reason is that, on May 25th, Jupiter is moving into Gemini. Unlike the Sun’s 30-day transit through a sign, or the Moon as I write, which spends about 50-60 hours in a sign, Jupiter brings its larger-than-life focus to the signs it travels through for about a year, and that brings the archetype of that sign front and center during those 12 months.
But Gemini isn’t a comfortable place for Jupiter. You see, Jupiter and Mercury are oppositional archetypes. Jupiter seeks coherence and cosmic order, while Mercury likes to deconstruct things and sprinkle some chaos into our world. (I wrote about this dichotomy in this blog post. Still, for those who want to go deeper into this, I’d highly recommend this excellent podcast episode by my current astrology teacher.)
You can locate Jupiter and Mercury’s opposition in the Zodiac by noting that Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini, and Jupiter rules the opposite sign, Sagittarius. (Mercury also rules Virgo, while Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Virgo’s opposite, Pisces.)
In astrological language, when a planet is in a sign opposite to a sign that it rules (or is its “domicile”), it’s called being in exile or detriment. A simple metaphor here is that a planet in domicile is like that planet being in its own home. I don’t know about you, but when I’m at home, I know the rules and where things are located, and when I retire for the day, my bedding is cozy and familiar to me.
On the other hand, those feelings of familiarity are lost when traveling. To extend this metaphor, a planet in exile is like a traveler who shows up at an inn, is given a manger, and is told not to complain about it.
Thus, Jupiter will be out of its comfort zone over the next year as it travels through Gemini.
Having said that, Jupiter is an expansive, buoyant archetype, akin to the American can-do optimism that says, “Yeah, we can land a man on the Moon” and doesn’t doubt it. (The most popular natal chart for the USA shows America was born with the Jupiterian Sagittarius Rising, so it’s no wonder this Jupiterian spirit is a part of the nation’s core character).
Now, we’ll get to the nitty-gritty of the transits of Gemini Season in a minute, but the main takeaway from this introduction is that we are shifting into a new and challenging energy here at the end of May, so it behooves us to understand what may be coming so we have some tools to work with it.
Let’s get into those now.
Main Offerings of Gemini Season 2024
Every time the Sun moves into a new sign, there’s a shift of energy, and this is certainly true when it moves from the mellow, smell-the-flowers-grounded nature of earthy Taurus into the hyperactive, bumblebee buzzing of airy Gemini (5/20). But in 2024, with Venus (5/23) and Jupiter (5/25) joining our star just a few days into its transit and Mercury (6/3) joining the party just over a week later, the outgoing, social butterfly energies of Gemini will undoubtedly take center stage, creating a striking contrast to Taurus Season.
By now, you might be used to these drastic energetic shifts because they’ve been happening since January. You see, one of the interesting patterns of the astrology of 2024 is that since the Sun entered Aquarius in January, as the Sun has traveled through a sign, its energies have been accentuated more than usual.
This is due to the following reasons: First and foremost, the major outer planets are occupying Aquarius (Pluto), Pisces (Saturn and Neptune), and Taurus (Jupiter and Uranus). Second, Venus and Mars have been traveling near the Sun in the Zodiac, which they don’t always do. Third, the eclipse axis is in Aries-Libra, and last, Mercury made a long retrograde in Aries.
For those of you who are particularly interested in exploring the archetypes of these signs, 2024 has been an excellent opportunity to do so (and, if you didn’t take advantage of that, you can always look back at both your life and events in the collective to find such patterns).
Once we get to Cancer Season on June 20th, however, this focused action starts to break up, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. For now, Gemini is, to borrow a phrase from the NFL Draft, on the clock, so let’s cover a few of its basic archetypal significations before we get into the forecast.
In short, Gemini is communicative, multi-faceted, versatile, duplicitous, sociable, witty, chaotic, argumentative and restless. It’s the first Air sign in the Zodiac and, on the wheel of human life, it’s represented by the toddler and early childhood years, that time in life when we first venture into our immediate environment and begin to interact with others. We’ve learned enough words to start to make sense of our world, so we want to talk, but we come armed with many questions: “Why is the sky blue?”, “Why is my teenage sister always grumpy?”; “Who makes rainbows?” Or, here’s one from this fun website that has some others:
"My little brother was in kindergarten and he'd never seen his teacher outside of school before. We bumped into her in the grocery store one evening, and he yelled to me, 'Who let her out?'"
As a guy who has taught kids of that age, I can assure this child that, indeed, I should probably not be “let out.” Moving on…
No, stop me here, speedy Gemini, and let’s pause to make one of my favorite observations about Gemini: it’s an archetype that brings a lot of humor, wit, and playfulness to the equation. Two of my favorite comedians, George Carlin and Russell Brand, have Mercury in Gemini, and the 2024 US presidential candidate I’d most love to hear a State of the Union address from, the loquacious Dr. Cornell West, has several planets in Gemini, including a Mars-Mercury conjunction. (In a playful bit of synchronicity, my iPhone just shuffled playful Paul McCartney, a Sun sign Gemini, and his “I’ve Just Seen A Face” into my headphones as I typed this).
The point is, with Jupiter expanding these Gemini themes after spending a year expanding upon more grounded matters as it traveled through Taurus, mid-May 2024 to June 2025 has the potential to speed up our communications, invite our inquisitions, and, a downside, overwhelm us with our seemingly endless sense of choices in our abundant Information environment. As this intro has intentionally made clear, it may also make us a bit long-winded…
As a result, the invitation here is to use grounding practices when you’re floating too freely in the airy wonders of the mind, but don’t get stuck in the mud for too long because we’ve got a chance to create some positivity in our world through our mental faculties over the next 12 months.
Gemini Season Astro Data
Note 1: All dates are in GMT. To get all the charts and find the exact times in your area, go to May and June.
Note 2: The items with charts are this month’s most notable moments, which I’ll address in the article.
Note 3: Starting this month, when a planet enters a new sign, I’ve listed it in italics to help it stand out.
Final Note: For this month’s post, I’ve listed the data at the start of the entry for each week instead of all at once here at the start. Please let me know in the Comments if you have a preference.
May 20-May 27: Dig Deep Into Your Mental Processes, But Be Careful Of Self-Delusions
May 20: Sun Enters Gemini (13:00) (chart)
May 22: Sun Trine Pluto (15:13)
May 23: Venus Conjunct Jupiter (8:28), Venus Sextile Neptune (10:50), Full Moon in Sagittarius (13:52, (chart), Venus Enters Gemini (20:31), Jupiter Sextile Neptune (21:43)
May 25: Venus Trine Pluto, Jupiter Enters Gemini (23:15, chart)
One of the signatures of Gemini season 2024 is that, as each planet enters the sign, it will quickly make a trine to Pluto in early Aquarius.
What does this mean? Well, when planets form a trine—or a 120-degree “triangular” relationship on the Zodiac between planets—they are able to see each other across the Zodiacal wheel in a non-aggressive, supportive way. For this reason, trines are considered the most beneficial geometric relationship, or “aspect,” of astrology.
Unlike when the planets entered Taurus over the past few months and made a challenging 90-degree square aspect to Pluto, Gemini Season offers the opportunity to dig deep (Pluto) into matters of the mind.
Be mindful, however, because Pluto is the planetary archetype that is most aligned with shadow work. While it’s possible we may have insights into our mental processes that we feel like sharing, we should consider who we are sharing them with. So long as we take responsibility for our words, this can bring things to the surface that may have been drowning in the pools of our inner resentments.
A few days into this week, we have one of the most astrologically active days of the month on May 23rd, when Venus and Jupiter meet up in late Taurus. This offers us a positive chance to feel with our senses all that we’ve been going through over the past few weeks, and it is given a supportive spiritual bent with the two planets making a sextile to Neptune in late Pisces.
A downside could be escaping into the pleasures of the flesh and claiming it is for a Higher Purpose. It’s OK to indulge our senses from time to time so long as we don’t turn such behavior into starting a sex cult. (And, yes, folks, I’m always a writer who likes to have fun, but I may be guilty of going overboard during Gemini Season offerings…)
PS All of that May 23rd energy is happening as we get our first lunation of the month, the Full Moon in Sagittarius, which is an opportunity to look back on the previous two weeks to the New Moon in Taurus (May 8) to see what you’ve given birth to. As I said, May 23rd is a busy day!
Before we leave this week, though, in the interest of completion, let’s have a look at the chart for Jupiter moving into Gemini since it’s the month’s major event.
If I haven’t made it clear already, I generally see this chart as setting a positive “birth” for Jupiter’s run through Gemini, with the trines to Pluto we’ve already discussed and the sextile to Neptune. Having said that, one of the more obvious downsides to this transit could be getting lost in the many fascinating alleyways of our minds. And by “our,” yes, I’m including whatever it is that the new “species” of Artificial Intelligence will give us the power to create.
Thus, in keeping with a theme I’m sure I’ll be repeating over the coming years, consider giving yourself whatever time your nervous system requires to remain a grounded, organic, loving human being.
On the other hand, if you want to dig into the cosmically expressive energies of these times, I offer you the following music from Gemini jazz genius Miles Davis (May 26, 1927). In my book, it’s hard to go wrong with late 1960s/early 1970s jazz-fusion Miles.
May 28-June 4: A Buzzy Week Where We Might Feel And Express Our Pain
May 28: Mercury Sextile Saturn (3:21)
May 29: Mars Conjunct Chiron (17:08)
May 31: Mercury Conjunct Uranus (5:53)
June 3: Jupiter Trine Pluto (0:12), Mercury Enters Gemini (7:37)
June 4: Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (10:23, chart) Sun Conjunct Venus (15:33)
While there are fewer aspects between the planets in this second week of Gemini Season, this is a week where Mercury and Mars make their presence known, so this isn’t a calm time. Not at all.
In my forecasts, I’m mostly not relying on too many asteroids or centaurs. However, considering how much of a role the centaur Chiron has played since the April 8th eclipse when it was precisely aligned with the Sun and Moon, and considering that my native America is going through a Chiron Return during a volatile election year which finds the nation deeply divided and wounded, I don’t think I’d be doing my job if I didn’t at least note that fiery Mars will meet Chiron on May 29th, just a few days before Mercury, our lower, individual mind, meets Uranus, our Higher Mind. Verbal fisticuffs from a wounded center, anyone?
Healthy detachment, compassion, and a few deep breaths might be just what the doctor orders as May turns into June. On the other hand, with the North Node of the Moon in Aries inviting us to find our courage until the end of the year, this might be the time to speak your mind. Maybe consider moving beyond your ego-bound ideas, tap into Uranus's revolutionary potential, and see if you can lead the kind of revolution that benefits all of us, would ya?
And last, Gemini Season peaks around June 4th and 5th when Mercury joins Jupiter and Venus meets the Sun in the sign of the Twins, just before the Moon meets the Sun for the New Moon in Gemini. Thus, during this first week of June, pay attention to your life and the world around you and see if you notice any of the Gemini themes I’ve covered in this post.
June 5-June 12: A Challenging Week Puts on the Brakes
June 6: New Moon in Gemini (12:37, chart)
June 8: Venus Square Saturn (8:25)
June 9: Mars Enters Taurus (4:35), Sun Square Saturn (10:35)
June 11: Mars Square Pluto (13:21)
Are you a bit worn out from the speedy pace of these first two weeks? Fair enough. The Universe has heard you. After a New Moon in Gemini conjunct Venus on June 6 gives us a chance to seed our mental projects with a sensual touch, the rest of the week has some slow, if challenging energy, with Venus squaring Saturn (June 8), the Sun squaring Saturn (June 9) and, after it moves into Taurus on June 9th, Mars squaring Pluto (June 11).
On the collective level, this could be a period where external structures respond to some of our rebellious, impulsive energies. With Jupiter in that tight month-long trine to Pluto, some of our darker thoughts may simply have to be expressed. Will this be another week when the Censorship Industrial Complex bares its teeth?
On a personal level, working with the tensions of Saturn squares can be fruitful if you are willing to stick with it and not get frustrated if you don’t see immediate results. Otherwise, this might be a good week to find a cave and let it all pass you by.
June 13-June 20: Express Yo’self, Ya Scatterbrain, And Then Take A Chill Pill, Would Ya?
June 14: Mercury Conjunct Sun (16:32, chart)
June 17: Venus Square Neptune (3:45), Venus Enters Cancer (6:20), Mercury Square Neptune (7:40), Mercury Enters Cancer (9:07), Mercury Conjunct Venus (12:42, chart)
June 20: Sun Square Neptune (18:12) Sun Enters Cancer (20:51)
Just as you might start thinking things are settling down, along comes a Sun conjunction with Mercury in Mercury’s home sign of Gemini. Such conjunctions aren’t uncommon, but they don’t happen yearly—more like five to six times per decade. We didn’t get one in 2023, and the last time it happened when Mercury wasn’t in retrograde was in 2019. This is another indication that this Gemini Season has more forward momentum than usual, and if you haven’t found your voice by June 14, here’s your chance!
A few days later, on June 17, the energies begin to shift when Venus and Mercury enter Cancer within a few hours of each other and then make a conjunction in that moody sign. This looks like a nice window to write some very personal poetry, maybe reflecting on all you’ve been through these first six months of 2024 as the Sun prepares to reach one of the four critical turning points of the year at the solstice on June 20.
That Sun will make a square to Neptune, which has been in the final degree of Pisces throughout Gemini Season. That last degree, known as the “anaretic” degree, is one of the power degrees of planetary transits, a time when the planet is taking care of the unfinished business of its journey through the sign. From May 3 to September 2, 2024, Neptune is in this final degree of Pisces, which may add to our already surreal sense of the times we are going through. We won’t be out of these illusory waters until Neptune moves into Aries fully in early 2026.
With Neptune being one of our slowest moving major planets, taking about 14 years per sign, and with it being in its home sign of Pisces, all of the matters of that mystical, imaginative sign are extra heightened during this period. From my perspective, these Neptune aspects are mostly a good counterbalance to the hyperactive mental energies of this Gemini Season, but it also could contribute to some foggy thinking throughout. Walk lightly, my friends.
And that’s it, folks! Once again, we’ve made it through another month. It should be a fascinating, energetic month. As a mutable Air sign, Gemini invites playful mental paradoxes into our consideration, so if I can give one final bit of advice, it’s to start this 12-month Jupiter-in-Gemini transit in Beginner’s Mind, employing humble, excited curiosity as much as possible. With that in mind, you’re well-equipped to begin your journey! Happy travels!
Thanks for reading! You can support me simply by sharing my stuff, by buying me a coffee, by linking to me on Twitter or Facebook , or by listening to my 2024 podcast, The Daily Bryan Podcast. I’m having a good time over there and hope to “see” you!
You can also check out my epic novel of magical realism set in the momentous years following 9-11, “The Teacher and the Tree Man.” You can find that book in full here, or broken down into four shorter books (book 1, book 2, book 3 and book 4) or you can listen to it for free.
Last, I have two old works of media: a blog from 2011--2018 and a podcast that was active from 2020-2023.
Good stuff! I'm looking forward to Gemini season now!
Wow! So much great info, love this. Gracias Bryan!