Dang, wouldn't it be nice if the Establishment wing of the Democratic Party had any of its Soul and…
If that happened, you could spend your time writing about getting behind something, rather than the constant fear porn about Trump.
Dang, wouldn't it be nice if the Establishment wing of the Democratic Party had any of its Soul and intelligence left so that it could respectfully thank Joe Biden for taking over the reigns of a driftless party when he was clearly not mentally up to the challenge, tell him to retire and then open up the primary to some candidates who DO have some of that Soul and intelligence, people like RFK Jr. and Marianne Williamson?
If that happened, you could spend your time writing about getting behind something, rather than the constant fear porn about Trump.
Instead, you straw man all Trump voters as though they haven't experienced the last two decades---a war that cost trillions based on a lie, a bank bailout that punished average people and let the rich off after a popular, revolutionary presidential campaign promised Hope and Change, and a public health crisis that transferred even more wealth and power to the top. I'm NOT saying people are (or aren't) smart to consider voting for Trump in 2024. I'm simply saying the problem is MUCH deeper and broader and speaks to a broken political system, which the Democrats are just as much a part of as the Republicans.
But go on, I know by now that you'll keep producing analysis that expects us to believe that the problem is only with ONE party who supports Trump, which conveniently is the kind of writing that gets lots of support these days, not only from so-called educated readers but tech platforms like Medium.