Daljeet, this was a GREAT article!
You really covered your bases on the topic and I really appreciated how you took us back through the past few Neptune transits and compared…
Daljeet, this was a GREAT article!
You really covered your bases on the topic and I really appreciated how you took us back through the past few Neptune transits and compared the music, fashion and drugs of each era.
For the most part, I think you did a bang-up job.
One area I'm not sure you got right, though, was in connecting ayahuasca to the 1970s-1980s (Neptune in Sag). I could be wrong, though one of my areas of deep study has been on the intersection of drugs and culture and I'm especially keen on psychedelic drug history, so I think ayahuasca didn't really have a big impact on the culture until, well, actually until THIS era when Neptune has entered another watery sign, the deep ocean of Pisces.
Now, perhaps you were speaking more of Mother Ayahuasca beginning to speak to us through the voices of folks like Terence McKenna and his brother, so fair enough, but I'd say that era was more defined by psilocybin entering the culture if we are looking at shamanic psychedelics.
Last, getting back to now, I totally agree with the opiods as the drug of the era, though I'd say that ties more into the Shadow side of Neptune in Pisces you wrote about and the Light side, the transcendence is related to ayahuasca really entering the Western mind. Oh, and one more thing that I think is a KEY development, which is the legalization of marijuana in this era, as well as what seems to be an increasing cultural acceptance of psychedelics as having therapeutic value. It'll be interesting to see where that last bit goes as Neptune finishes up her run in Pisces--lots going in that field and, well, not all of it is love and light, IMHO.
Dang, I didn't even get to the writer Daniel Pinchbeck and some of his thoughts about how perhaps 2012 did happen, but it was a changing of the inner world more than it was the outer world. If interested, here is a relatively short blog post I wrote on that topic a few summers ago.