As the repeatedly proud author of the 1994 crime bill which did so much to devastate urban areas…
What amazes me more than anything is just how many people a year ago were giving guys like me who've been following and reporting on…
As the repeatedly proud author of the 1994 crime bill which did so much to devastate urban areas and tear apart Black families and as the proud author of the bill that was the precursor to the authoritarian, anti-American PATRIOT Act, perhaps it's better for all of us that Biden no longer has all of his tools in what was already a pretty piss poor toolbox.
What amazes me more than anything is just how many people a year ago were giving guys like me who've been following and reporting on politics since the mid 1990s a hard time merely for saying that neither of these two candidates were worth the time it took to vote, and for stating that Biden wasn't going to be the Savior many folks projected him to be.