As someone who would say I've got mild bipolar (with some periods of my life where it was more…
As someone who would say I've got mild bipolar (with some periods of my life where it was more intense), one thing I've found that has helped me is to become less stressed about "clock time," which is a human construct, and tune more into natural time which is what our organic bodies live on.
Now, this can be challenging in a Culture that increasingly lives by clock time, and I've actually sacrificed some aspects of my career potential to get off the clock and get on the Nature.
But even if you have a pretty scheduled life, I think you can learn techniques such as meditation, breathwork, and getting out into Nature to become more in tune with the rhythms of your body and Mother Nature.
As you do that, you start to realize that Nature moves at a much more at-ease pace and this allows you to do so, as well.