As someone who admires Bret and Heather's work and who went too far in buying into their claims on…
On the issue of vaccine side effects, I caution that just as the pro-Ivermectin crowd has reached a conclusion and thus seems to not be…
As someone who admires Bret and Heather's work and who went too far in buying into their claims on Ivermectin, I very much appreciate the hard work you and Ed Prideaux put into this article.
On the issue of vaccine side effects, I caution that just as the pro-Ivermectin crowd has reached a conclusion and thus seems to not be taking in data counter to their claims, the same can happen in terms of the safety of these vaccines.
There has been a public health/mass media campaign to repeat the "safe and effective" line and with so much psychological investment in this claim, people are likely going to ignore any signs that they may have over invested in it.
This is my way of saying I'd love a future piece to really look into the topic of vaccine safety, just as you did here with claims for Ivermectin. I think that would be SUPER challenging because I suspect the information is either being repressed or just not reported.
I have a loved one who got the two Pfizer shots in February and, since May, has been having some very mysterious, rather scary, health issues that I've seen reported anecdotally by others. I've no idea if this is vaccine-related. The thing is, this person isn't even asking the question and, TBH, I'm afraid to bring it up with them. I don't want to cause any more fear or even rifts in our relationship and even if he started investigating that as a possible cause, I fear that it leads to a sense of hopelessness for what can one do if one finds out that one has been damaged by a vaccine?
Anyway, I bring this all up because it seems even if there are dangerous side effects from these new vaccines, they may never be reported as such. Very challenging to make sense in these times!