As always, I very much appreciate your work, Jules, and seeing where your journey, both exterior…
As always, I very much appreciate your work, Jules, and seeing where your journey, both exterior and interior, takes you.
It's good for me to be reminded that there are really horrible people like that tech-bro guru in the spiritual communities, because my skepticism is aimed much more toward folks like the Conspirituality Podcast hosts.
It's a matter of discernment and we are all going to discern differently.
The only thing in the article I would like to respectfully challenge you on is your stance on CV19 vaccines. As you state, no one can know everything about everything. I've no idea the life circumstances of you or most people, just as you don't know mine. I trust that individuals are the best judges of whether or not to make medical decisions that will, first and foremost, impact their bodies. Perhaps this part of a letting go and letting God process for you to ponder?
Bryan Winchell