As a guy who supported Bernie both with my mouth/pen and my wallet in 2016 and 2020, I really hope…
As a guy who supported Bernie both with my mouth/pen and my wallet in 2016 and 2020, I really hope he does NOT run in 2024. Why?
A few reasons. First and foremost, you hit the nail on the head about him not having that killer instinct needed to win a US presidential election in the 21st Century. The way he just sort of folded up the tent and went home after the Super Tuesday loss in 2020 was the second heartbreak he gave supporters, the first being his unwillingness to challenge the Clinton Machine at the Democratic Convention in 2016. While I recognize Sanders believes Trump is a unique threat to democracy, I see the Establishment Dems in a similar light. The way they have slowly but steadily become akin to the Republican Party of the late 20th Century, even becoming a party that supports censorship, has been one of the most disheartening political trends of my lifetime. Even more the inability by so many who were/are supporters of the Sanders Left to recognize this, including Sanders himself, is extremely troubling.
The second reason, which isn’t really necessary but which I must give voice to, is his performance surrounding CV19 policies. For some reason, the Left was well aware of the corruption in Big Pharma in 2019 (polls released then showed it was the most distrusted major institution in the US) yet CV19 comes along and everyone, including Bernie, turned into parrots chirping “safe and effective, safe and effective.”
Yet the GOOD news is that a real fighter against the Establishment and for the People, a gal named Marianne Williamson will run. From listening to her in interviews over the past few years, she’s learned a lot about how rotten the Dems are and she’s not going to be afraid to say that.