A really nice, thought-provoking article.
I've had some fun reading through and commenting on the many interesting comments, and so perhaps didn't leave enough left in the tank to…
A really nice, thought-provoking article.
I've had some fun reading through and commenting on the many interesting comments, and so perhaps didn't leave enough left in the tank to speak about the article in general.
First, yes, the more we can allow that each individual has a UNIQUE experience and to PROMOTE them in having that, SUPPORTING their journey (even if it is quite different from ours), the healthier our society will be, because we'll have healthier, stronger individuals.
I've always said that my spirituality is personal and so not only won't I impose it on others, I don't see the point in doing so. That doesn't mean I won't share about it. It just means I'm pro-choice/anti-fundamentalist. I think Earth is a Free Will University and humans, because of how we experience time, may have a unique experience about living with Free Will. If some aliens were to interact with us who didn't experience reality this way and they insisted that we do it their way, what will happen? War, of course.
Thus, the first step to moving out of a mindset that "war is inevitable" is riding yourself of ALL fundamentalist ideas, and celebrating all ideas that promote diversity and respect individuality as a gift.
Oh, great, looks like I did have stuff left to say! Anyway, thanks for this article (it also seems very well timed with an article I just wrote, which was also, in its way, addressing skeptics, and sharing about my history with skepticism).